Board Meeting Recap – September 15, 2024

The Miracle Workers Alliance (MWA) held its annual and regular Board of Directors meeting on September 15, 2024, via the Discord eBoard Room. The meeting was called to order by President Korey G. Miracle at 6:04 p.m. EST, with a quorum present.

Board Attendance and Key Decisions

All board members were in attendance, including:

  • Korey G. Miracle (Founder/President/CEO)
  • Faith D. Adams (Director/Treasurer)
  • Subreina Davis (Director/CDO)
  • Jordan Anderson (Director)
  • Samantha Boyce (Director)
  • Hailey Medina (Director)
  • Beatrix Lee (Secretary)

Additionally, the Official Stream Team Leader, TGWB40, was present as a guest.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the July 28, 2024 meeting were approved unanimously, following a motion by Subreina Davis and seconded by Hailey Medina. The board also unanimously approved the postponement of the August 2024 meeting via an Informal Action, which was motioned by Samantha Boyce and seconded by Subreina Davis.

Agenda Approval

The agenda for this meeting was approved without objections. Hailey Medina motioned to approve, seconded by Subreina Davis.


Executive Report

President Korey G. Miracle presented updates on various initiatives:

  • Primary Focus: Obtaining 501(c)(3) through the United States IRS. Projected budget approval is the last item needed to submit for possible approval.
  • Marketing and Outreach: Progress has slowed, though TikTok continues to see steady growth with 10,000 views and 25 followers. Facebook has reached 776 visits.
  • Merchandising Plans: The organization is considering merchandise like pins, stickers, shirts, and magnets. The CEO will schedule a separate meeting to discuss this further.
  • Incident Report: A recent issue regarding a member sharing dangerous information was promptly addressed and reported to Discord officials on the MWA official Discord server.
  • Discord and Streaming: The Discord server now has 102 members. TWGB40 has been streaming regularly, promoting mental health awareness.
  • Key Initiatives: These include upgrading the website, increasing server engagement, launching an email newsletter on the website, and putting on more virtual events.
  • Staff Recruitment: The organization is looking to recruit a Mental Health Advisor and Social Media Marketers.
  • Volunteer Breaks: Our small number of volunteers have been taking more breaks to prevent burnout, with plans to restart initiatives like D&D and digital marketing by early October 2024 the latest.

Treasurer’s Report

Faith presented the projected three-year budget, which will be reviewed in greater detail during a special meeting on September 19, 2024, for board approval.

New Business

Item 1: CEO’s Projected Salary

Presenter: Beatrix Lee

  • Discussion: The board discussed incorporating the CEO’s salary into the budget, starting at $200 per month in Year 1 and increasing gradually over three years. The reason to discuss the CEO’s projected salary now was to be transparent with the IRS and the public.
  • Motion: Subreina Davis motioned to approve the CEO’s projected salary. The motion was seconded by Jordan Anderson.
  • Vote: 5 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions
  • Outcome: The motion was APPROVED.

Item 2: Approval of 3 Year Projected Budget

Presenter: Korey Miracle and Faith Adams

  • Discussion: It had been discussed that the board needed more time to review the proposed budget. A motion to delay approval until the special meeting on September 19, 2024, was made by Hailey Medina, seconded by Subreina Davis, and approved unanimously.
  • Motion: Hailey Medina motioned to delay approval until the special meeting on September 19, 2024. The motion was seconded by Subreina Davis.
  • Vote: 5 in favor, 0 against, 2 abstentions
  • Outcome: The motion was APPROVED.

Item 3: Strategic Planning for 2025

Presenter: Korey G. Miracle

  • Discussion: The floor was opened for additional strategic planning ideas, though no suggestions were offered during the meeting. Board members were encouraged to share any future ideas directly with Korey via messaging or calling.

Item 4: Board Activities Day

Presenter: Jordan Anderson

  • Discussion: A team-building event was proposed for October 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EST, featuring games like “Among Us,” “Guild Wars 2,” or a movie night
  • Motion: Hailey Medina motioned to have a team-building event (board activities day) scheduled for October 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EST. The motion was seconded by Subreina Davis.
  • Vote: 5 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions
  • Outcome: The motion was APPROVED.

Open Forum

  • Events & Community Nights: Subreina suggested hosting more event nights, and KaoticLeigh has created a template for planning events. Sam will research ways to promote more engagement.
  • Event Coordination: Korey plans to meet with Subreina, Kaotic, TGWB40, and Event Coordinators to discuss future event coordination, fundraising, and streaming.
  • Game Tournaments: TGWB40 proposed organizing tournaments, potentially using the game ‘Lock Down Protocol.’

Next Meeting

The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for October 27, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. EST via the MWA Discord eBoard Room. This meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. EST after a motion by Samantha Boyce, seconded by Subreina Davis.

For more information or to get involved, please visit Miracle Workers Alliance Discord server or follow our social media channels.

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